The OCR World Championships | Returning May 2026

Returning in May 2026 to a New Location. Launching Soon.
2024 Races
1 Weekend. 5 Chances For Glory.
This is what you train for – come see what you’ve got. World-class races designed to challenge every type of OCR athlete.

Athletes First
40+ obstacles. 9+ miles of challenging terrain. 5 unique courses. 1 ultimate race weekend. Here’s why you can’t miss it:
Test yourself on the toughest, grittiest, and most challenging obstacles from the best OCRs around the world.
Athletes receive a personalized race bib and athlete credential, finisher t-shirt, finisher medal, exclusive OCRWC Hoo-rag, finish-line food, free race photos, and a commemorative band if they achieve 100% completion of all obstacles.
Top finishers are eligible for specialty podium medals, cash prizes, great giveaways, and free race entries to defend their title next year.
Finisher Medals
We don’t mess around with cheap hardware – all finishers receive the best medals in obstacle course racing.
What are athletes saying about OCR World Championships?
“OCRWC is the race I look forward to most all year long! It brings out a high level of competition, the most fun and diverse selection of obstacles of any obstacle race out there, great running courses, and has an incredible event vibe all weekend long.”
“There is nothing my family and I look forward to more every year than participating in an OCRWC event! We run the charity event together and it’s the best family bonding time ever!”
“The team races bring a one-of-a-kind energy to the weekend that reminds me of racing with my Rice Track & Field team in college. Obviously I’m a little biased since the tough obstacles cater to my strength as a rock climber, but I think they offer a fun and challenging variety.”
“Since my first ‘accidental’ qualification for OCRWC in 2016 I have been hooked! Walking out on to the course in Canada generated feelings I can’t describe and it has been the same every year since.”
“In one of the hardest times in my life, the OCRWC provided the greatest challenge, and the most outstanding friendships I have ever made. The obstacles are real, the experience is, without a doubt, unforgettable. Best days of my life.”
“OCRWC is THE event of the year! All other races are just to prepare you for the most epic experience, and OCRWC WILL deliver that one race, with a standard above everyone else.”
“OCR World Championships to me is and represents everything that is obstacle course racing from providing a variety of different courses from the terrain to the unique and massive spectacular obstacles themselves.”
Previous Champions
Get highlights from previous OCR championship weekends and see who took home the hardware.
Ryan Kempson
2021 15K Male Champion
Lindsay Webster
2021 3K & 15K Female Champion
Veejay Jones
2021 3K Male Champion
Jon Albon
2019 3K & 15K Champion
Karin Karlsson
2019 15K & 100M Champion
Nicole Mericle
2019 3K Champion
Thomas Van Tonder
2019 100M Champion
10 Tips to Prep for the OCRWC
Get ready for OCR’s biggest event with tips from our athletes!
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